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610 lines
Short: SadJesterIcons Paola Set Prerelease 3.
Author: sadjester@libero.it (Bruno Vaccaro)
Uploader: sadjester@libero.it (Bruno Vaccaro)
Type: pix/nicon
Requires: NewIcons 4 or AmigaOS 3.5
---ITALIANO--- SAD JESTER ICONS - PAOLA SET Preview 3 - 06-Ott-1999.
Le SadJesterIcons sono delle icone per Amiga in formato NewIcons
che prendono spunto da quelle già esistenti come le NewIcons di Phil
Vedovatti (di cui si sfrutta il programma NewIcons 4 che consente la
visualizzazione delle nuove icone), del Team NewIcons e le GlowIcons
di Matt Chaput.
I vari set di icone si differenziano essenzialmente per la forma
dei cassetti, il numero di colori utilizzati e da pochi altri
elementi.Sono disegnate su Amiga ed attualmente sono in preparazione
5 set a 32 colori standard NewIcons (adatti a chi non possiede
scheda grafica ed usa WorkBench con pochi colori) ed alcuni set a
256 colori pensato espressamente per chi possiede una scheda grafica
ed apre il WorkBench a 16 o 24 bit.
Tutte le Sad Jester Icons sono nel formato 36x40 ed a differenza
delle GlowIcons non superano mai queste dimensioni, risultando meno
"ingombranti" e quindi più adatte a chi non può permettersi grandi
risoluzioni di schermo.
Questa è solo una preview del set Paola e quando sarà completo
si potrà facilmente installare usando lo stesso installer contenuto
nel pacchetto NewIcons 4, semplicemente sostituendo i cassetti
"Icons", "Disks" e "Drawers" (all'interno del cassetto "Install") e
"sys" (all'interno di "Envarc") del pacchetto NI4, con quelli nuovi,
prima di lanciare l'installer che provvederà così a copiare le nuove
icone al posto giusto.
Sarà anche disponibile una installazione per Amiga OS 3.5.
Il set Paola è caratterizzato da cassetti piccoli con maniglie
che, con un colore diverso, hanno la funzione di segnalare il genere
di files contenuto nella directory (un po come le basi colorate
delle NewIcons standard) ed un effetto "glow" applicato alle icone
"cliccate". Sono a 32 colori standard NewIcons in modo da favorire
la rimappatura dei colori e non interferire con altre NewIcons
visualizzate nello stesso momento, in particolare su schermi con
pochi colori.
Nuove icone saranno inserite sul sito non appena pronte.
Quando sarà completato uno dei set, sarà disponibile sul mio
sito e su Aminet.
Commenti e suggerimenti, saranno benvenuti.
Bruno (Sad Jester) Vaccaro
--- ENGLISH--- SAD JESTER ICONS - PAOLA SET Preview 3 - 06-Oct-1999.
The SadJesterIcons are realized for Amiga in NewIcons format and
take cue from those already, existing as the Phil Vedovatti's
NewIcons (of which we use NewIcons4 programs taking advantage to
visualize the new icons), the Team NewIcons and the GlowIcons of
Matt Chaput.
The several sets of icons differ essentially for the shape of
the drawers, the number of used colors and little other elements. In
a few time will be ready three sets, all drawed with Amiga.Five sets
with 32 colours NewIcons standard palette (thought for no graphical
card owners, who use Workbench with few colours) and some sets with
256 colours thought expressly for graphical card owners who open
Workbench to 16 or 24 bit.
Unlike the GlowIcons, the SadJesterIcons are in 36x40 format and
never exceed these dimension, so they're less "cumbersome" and more
usefull in situation without great resolution of screen.
The several complete sets will be easy to set up using the same
installer contained in the NewIcons 4 packet. You must simply
replace the directory "Icons", "Disks" and "Drawers" (in to
"Install" directory) e "sys" (in to "Envarc" directory) of NI4 with
the new one before launch the installer, so it will provide to copy
the new icons to the just place.
The sets will be easy to set up with the Amiga OS 3.5 too.
Paola set is characterized from small drawers with the handle
coloured, to signal (with various colours) the kind of files in the
directory (like the colorful bases of the standard NewIcons) and
a special effect "glow" for the selected icons. The drawers have 32
NewIcons standard colours so as to take easy the remap without
interfering with other NewIcons visualized, especially with few
colours screen.
The set is not still complete but, waiting the news.
I will insert (on my site and on Aminet) as soon as ready.
Comment and suggestions you will e-mail me will be welcomes.
Bruno (Sad Jester) Vaccaro
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1976 1275 35.4% 16-Oct-99 15:07:24 SadJesterIcons Paola P3.info
4894 1297 73.4% 04-Sep-99 21:17:56 + .info
4888 1351 72.3% 08-Sep-99 00:37:08 + .info
6118 1475 75.8% 04-Sep-99 21:14:18 + .info
1495 933 37.5% 06-Sep-99 15:20:36 +Envarc.info
1427 897 37.1% 06-Sep-99 15:20:44 +sys.info
2183 1274 41.6% 06-Sep-99 16:03:26 +def_8svx.info
1785 765 57.1% 06-Sep-99 16:30:12 +def_amigaguide.info
1887 807 57.2% 06-Sep-99 16:30:24 +def_amos.info
1903 1127 40.7% 06-Sep-99 16:30:38 +def_anim.info
1584 1046 33.9% 06-Sep-99 16:30:50 +def_archive.info
2085 1242 40.4% 06-Sep-99 16:31:02 +def_arj.info
1761 756 57.0% 06-Sep-99 16:31:16 +def_ascii.info
1900 818 56.9% 06-Sep-99 16:31:32 +def_asm.info
1870 1107 40.8% 06-Sep-99 16:31:48 +def_avi.info
1940 848 56.2% 06-Sep-99 16:32:02 +def_basic.info
2280 1382 39.3% 06-Sep-99 16:32:16 +def_bmp.info
1627 1135 30.2% 06-Sep-99 16:32:36 +def_brush.info
596 406 31.8% 06-Sep-99 16:32:48 +def_Busydisk.info
1796 731 59.2% 06-Sep-99 16:33:06 +def_c.info
1467 934 36.3% 01-Oct-99 22:49:38 +def_CD0disk.info
1555 1049 32.5% 06-Sep-99 16:33:30 +def_CDDAdisk.info
2090 1201 42.5% 06-Sep-99 16:33:52 +def_compress.info
1838 774 57.8% 06-Sep-99 16:34:02 +def_cpp.info
1744 1275 26.8% 06-Sep-99 16:34:32 +def_CTLG.info
546 379 30.5% 06-Sep-99 16:34:44 +def_device.info
2056 1038 49.5% 06-Sep-99 16:35:04 +def_disk.info
2098 1250 40.4% 06-Sep-99 16:35:16 +def_dms.info
1738 738 57.5% 06-Sep-99 16:51:32 +def_doc.info
1495 929 37.8% 06-Sep-99 16:51:46 +def_drawer.info
1652 1107 32.9% 06-Sep-99 17:07:40 +def_DTYP.info
1803 736 59.1% 06-Sep-99 17:10:10 +def_e.info
1496 810 45.8% 17-Sep-99 23:33:00 +def_email.info
942 626 33.5% 08-Sep-99 17:25:10 +def_empty.info
1719 703 59.1% 08-Sep-99 17:25:32 +def_fax.info
603 409 32.1% 08-Sep-99 17:25:54 +def_fd.info
1584 1046 33.9% 08-Sep-99 17:26:12 +def_filearchive.info
606 413 31.8% 08-Sep-99 17:26:36 +def_filesystem.info
1849 1084 41.3% 08-Sep-99 17:27:06 +def_flic.info
894 643 28.0% 08-Sep-99 17:27:22 +def_font.info
596 412 30.8% 01-Oct-99 22:49:38 +def_FTPdisk.info
1752 743 57.5% 08-Sep-99 17:27:52 +def_FTXT.info
2251 1327 41.0% 08-Sep-99 17:28:12 +def_gif.info
2087 1221 41.4% 08-Sep-99 17:28:24 +def_gzip.info
603 406 32.6% 08-Sep-99 17:28:44 +def_h.info
606 409 32.5% 08-Sep-99 17:28:50 +def_handler.info
2167 1068 50.7% 08-Sep-99 17:29:18 +def_html.info
603 406 32.6% 08-Sep-99 17:29:06 +def_i.info
2241 1317 41.2% 08-Sep-99 17:29:36 +def_iff.info
2319 1359 41.3% 08-Sep-99 17:29:46 +def_ilbm.info
599 404 32.5% 08-Sep-99 17:30:06 +def_imploder.info
603 406 32.6% 08-Sep-99 17:30:12 +def_inemail.info
1673 1151 31.2% 03-Oct-99 20:36:44 +def_installer.info
2314 1363 41.0% 08-Sep-99 17:30:40 +def_jpeg.info
1500 1065 29.0% 08-Sep-99 17:35:30 +def_key.info
2145 1412 34.1% 08-Sep-99 17:31:08 +def_keymap.info
564 365 35.2% 01-Oct-99 22:49:38 +def_kick.info
546 379 30.5% 08-Sep-99 17:36:00 +def_kickstart.info
539 373 30.7% 08-Sep-99 17:36:10 +def_KingCon.info
2101 1256 40.2% 08-Sep-99 17:36:26 +def_lharc.info
2130 1310 38.4% 08-Sep-99 17:37:44 +def_lib.info
1987 1203 39.4% 08-Sep-99 17:37:54 +def_library.info
599 405 32.3% 08-Sep-99 17:38:16 +def_loadmodule.info
2086 1232 40.9% 08-Sep-99 17:38:46 +def_lzx.info
603 413 31.5% 08-Sep-99 17:38:22 +def_m.info
2136 1111 47.9% 08-Sep-99 17:39:06 +def_Mac0disk.info
603 408 32.3% 08-Sep-99 17:38:30 +def_make.info
2187 1309 40.1% 08-Sep-99 17:39:30 +def_med.info
2187 1298 40.6% 08-Sep-99 17:39:42 +def_mod.info
604 411 31.9% 08-Sep-99 17:40:00 +def_mountlist.info
2177 1266 41.8% 08-Sep-99 17:40:14 +def_mp2.info
1894 1136 40.0% 08-Sep-99 17:40:48 +def_mpeg.info
2131 1108 48.0% 08-Sep-99 17:41:08 +def_MSD0disk.info
2029 1181 41.7% 08-Sep-99 17:41:22 +def_music.info
596 412 30.8% 01-Oct-99 22:49:40 +def_NETdisk.info
539 372 30.9% 08-Sep-99 17:41:44 +def_object.info
543 376 30.7% 08-Sep-99 17:41:58 +def_outemail.info
800 587 26.6% 08-Sep-99 17:42:16 +def_outlinefont.info
2269 1336 41.1% 08-Sep-99 17:42:36 +def_pcx.info
2262 1322 41.5% 08-Sep-99 17:42:52 +def_picture.info
2283 1347 40.9% 08-Sep-99 17:43:08 +def_png.info
612 415 32.1% 08-Sep-99 17:43:30 +def_postscript.info
605 408 32.5% 08-Sep-99 17:43:36 +def_powerpacker.info
2010 1064 47.0% 08-Sep-99 17:43:56 +def_pref.info
2017 990 50.9% 08-Sep-99 17:54:18 +def_printer.info
1470 1084 26.2% 08-Sep-99 17:54:50 +def_project.info
1941 1170 39.7% 08-Sep-99 17:55:32 +def_Quicktime.info
1745 1014 41.8% 01-Oct-99 22:49:40 +def_RADdisk.info
1731 1061 38.7% 08-Sep-99 17:56:40 +def_RAMdisk.info
1924 834 56.6% 08-Sep-99 18:00:40 +def_rexx.info
2080 1242 40.2% 08-Sep-99 18:12:54 +def_rnc.info
2189 1307 40.2% 08-Sep-99 18:13:06 +def_s3m.info
603 409 32.1% 08-Sep-99 18:13:32 +def_script.info
599 407 32.0% 08-Sep-99 18:13:40 +def_sfx.info
2190 1301 40.5% 08-Sep-99 18:14:02 +def_smus.info
2024 1137 43.8% 08-Sep-99 18:14:18 +def_sound.info
603 411 31.8% 08-Sep-99 18:14:52 +def_src.info
2166 1249 42.3% 08-Sep-99 18:15:04 +def_sunau.info
2363 1345 43.0% 08-Sep-99 18:15:22 +def_targa.info
599 404 32.5% 08-Sep-99 18:15:38 +def_tex.info
2278 1347 40.8% 08-Sep-99 18:17:34 +def_tiff.info
599 402 32.8% 08-Sep-99 18:17:50 +def_tool.info
1031 683 33.7% 01-Oct-99 22:49:40 +def_trashcan.info
603 409 32.1% 08-Sep-99 18:18:24 +def_usenet.info
604 407 32.6% 08-Sep-99 18:18:28 +def_uuencode.info
1931 1149 40.4% 08-Sep-99 18:22:04 +def_video.info
2172 1260 41.9% 08-Sep-99 18:22:20 +def_voc.info
2177 1251 42.5% 08-Sep-99 18:22:36 +def_wav.info
2167 1290 40.4% 08-Sep-99 18:22:52 +def_xm.info
2085 1236 40.7% 08-Sep-99 18:24:26 +def_zip.info
620 432 30.3% 08-Sep-99 18:24:42 +def_ZIP0disk.info
1550 988 36.2% 01-Oct-99 22:48:02 +Extras.info
1513 1048 30.7% 01-Oct-99 22:48:52 +BuildingBlocks.info
512 265 48.2% 31-Aug-99 00:40:58 +BuildBlocks.readme
1632 1009 38.1% 08-Sep-99 18:39:18 +BuildBlocks.readme.info
1314 441 66.4% 02-Oct-99 11:29:50 +Commod
1314 453 65.5% 02-Oct-99 11:30:52 +Commod.hi
1011 477 52.8% 02-Oct-99 11:31:10 +Commod.hi.info
1015 481 52.6% 02-Oct-99 11:30:16 +Commod.info
1530 662 56.7% 02-Oct-99 11:31:42 +Drawer
1572 795 49.4% 02-Oct-99 11:32:20 +Drawer.hi
1863 767 58.8% 02-Oct-99 11:33:18 +Drawer.hi.info
1621 666 58.9% 02-Oct-99 11:32:00 +Drawer.info
1314 445 66.1% 02-Oct-99 11:35:14 +dtype
1314 439 66.5% 02-Oct-99 11:35:38 +dtype.hi
1015 476 53.1% 02-Oct-99 11:35:56 +dtype.hi.info
1015 475 53.2% 02-Oct-99 11:34:54 +dtype.info
1516 431 71.5% 02-Oct-99 11:46:34 +Floppy
1556 513 67.0% 02-Oct-99 11:46:52 +Floppy.hi
2081 647 68.9% 02-Oct-99 11:50:32 +Floppy.hi.info
1883 601 68.0% 02-Oct-99 11:50:10 +Floppy.info
1552 469 69.7% 02-Oct-99 11:48:58 +Monitor.iff
2069 589 71.5% 02-Oct-99 11:50:54 +Monitor.iff.info
156 151 3.2% 24-Sep-97 16:38:46 +NI4-DPaint.set
2313 1603 30.6% 14-Sep-99 00:38:56 +NI4-DPaint.set.info
156 151 3.2% 24-Sep-97 16:38:46 +NI4-PPaint.col
2293 1588 30.7% 14-Sep-99 00:38:50 +NI4-PPaint.col.info
1312 447 65.9% 02-Oct-99 11:51:42 +questionmark
1314 410 68.7% 02-Oct-99 11:52:02 +questionmark.hi
1015 470 53.6% 02-Oct-99 11:53:38 +questionmark.hi.info
1011 479 52.6% 02-Oct-99 11:52:22 +questionmark.info
2206 443 79.9% 02-Oct-99 11:54:24 +Template.iff
1131 479 57.6% 02-Oct-99 11:55:14 +Template.iff.info
121979 121979 0.0% 03-Oct-99 20:17:00 +Preview.gif
5585 4132 26.0% 02-Sep-99 17:34:10 +Preview.gif.info
1976 1266 35.9% 01-Oct-99 22:48:02 +Icons.info
1601 1066 33.4% 08-Sep-99 18:50:28 +Devs.info
2126 1315 38.1% 08-Sep-99 19:37:46 +Datatypes.info
1652 1106 33.0% 08-Sep-99 19:39:08 +Datatype.info
2019 1292 36.0% 08-Sep-99 19:38:06 +DOSDrivers.info
1515 972 35.8% 08-Sep-99 19:39:30 +DF0.info
1515 972 35.8% 08-Sep-99 19:39:34 +DF1.info
1515 972 35.8% 08-Sep-99 19:39:36 +DF2.info
885 584 34.0% 08-Sep-99 19:39:54 +Dosdriver.info
2088 1290 38.2% 08-Sep-99 19:38:26 +Keymaps.info
2126 1397 34.2% 17-Sep-99 18:39:24 +Keymap.info
2019 1295 35.8% 08-Sep-99 19:38:10 +Kickstarts.info
599 406 32.2% 17-Sep-99 18:41:20 +Kickstart.info
2205 1313 40.4% 08-Sep-99 19:38:44 +Monitors.info
2388 1232 48.4% 02-Oct-99 12:43:22 +Monitor.info
2118 1285 39.3% 08-Sep-99 19:38:54 +Printers.info
1996 966 51.6% 17-Sep-99 18:39:58 +Printer.info
1576 1012 35.7% 08-Sep-99 18:50:38 +Expansion.info
1898 1188 37.4% 08-Sep-99 18:50:52 +Locale.info
1495 929 37.8% 08-Sep-99 18:51:06 +Misc.info
1854 1142 38.4% 08-Sep-99 20:30:14 +Disks.info
2044 1411 30.9% 02-Oct-99 18:45:58 +AmigaPartition.info
1515 1068 29.5% 02-Oct-99 18:46:14 +AmigaPartition2.info
1443 980 32.0% 02-Oct-99 18:46:36 +AmigaPartition3.info
2143 1120 47.7% 02-Oct-99 18:46:58 +Apple.info
2048 1389 32.1% 02-Oct-99 18:47:36 +Apple1Partition.info
1538 1084 29.5% 02-Oct-99 18:47:52 +Apple1Partition2.info
1489 963 35.3% 02-Oct-99 18:48:24 +Apple1Partition3.info
2047 1393 31.9% 02-Oct-99 18:48:40 +Apple2Partition.info
1512 1048 30.6% 02-Oct-99 18:49:16 +Apple2Partition2.info
1471 940 36.0% 02-Oct-99 18:51:32 +Apple2Partition3.info
1980 1390 29.7% 02-Oct-99 19:32:12 +BackUpPartition.info
1480 1088 26.4% 02-Oct-99 19:32:30 +BackUpPartition2.info
1430 898 37.2% 02-Oct-99 19:33:06 +BackUpPartition3.info
1941 1218 37.2% 02-Oct-99 19:33:34 +CD-AudioDisk.info
1609 1058 34.2% 02-Oct-99 19:33:56 +CD-ROMDisk.info
1584 1022 35.4% 02-Oct-99 19:34:26 +def_CD-R.info
1838 1110 39.6% 02-Oct-99 19:34:48 +def_CD-R2.info
1589 1016 36.0% 02-Oct-99 19:35:14 +def_CD-R3.info
1547 1015 34.3% 02-Oct-99 19:35:32 +def_PhotoCD.info
1567 978 37.5% 02-Oct-99 19:36:20 +def_PhotoCD2.info
1966 1053 46.4% 02-Oct-99 19:36:44 +DiskAmyBlaBlu.info
1620 873 46.1% 02-Oct-99 19:38:10 +DiskAmyBlack.info
1966 1053 46.4% 02-Oct-99 19:38:34 +DiskAmyBlaGre.info
1954 1022 47.6% 02-Oct-99 19:38:58 +DiskAmyBlaPur.info
1944 1000 48.5% 02-Oct-99 19:39:18 +DiskAmyBlaRed.info
2069 1057 48.9% 02-Oct-99 19:39:44 +DiskAmyBlaYel.info
1610 840 47.8% 02-Oct-99 19:40:00 +DiskAmyGray.info
1631 861 47.2% 02-Oct-99 19:40:32 +DiskAmyOrange.info
1607 733 54.3% 02-Oct-99 19:40:50 +DiskBlack.info
1607 747 53.5% 02-Oct-99 19:41:20 +DiskBlackYellow.info
1609 756 53.0% 02-Oct-99 19:41:40 +DiskBlue.info
1615 782 51.5% 02-Oct-99 19:42:02 +DiskBlueYellow.info
1589 752 52.6% 02-Oct-99 19:42:28 +DiskGray.info
1610 765 52.4% 02-Oct-99 19:42:48 +DiskGrayRed.info
1609 752 53.2% 02-Oct-99 19:43:14 +DiskGreen.info
1633 782 52.1% 02-Oct-99 19:43:30 +DiskGreenRed.info
1606 741 53.8% 02-Oct-99 19:43:56 +DiskOrange.info
1631 753 53.8% 02-Oct-99 19:44:16 +DiskOrangeRed.info
1609 750 53.3% 02-Oct-99 19:44:42 +DiskRed.info
1615 782 51.5% 02-Oct-99 19:45:00 +DiskRedYellow.info
1597 720 54.9% 02-Oct-99 19:45:26 +DiskYellow.info
1613 766 52.5% 02-Oct-99 19:45:44 +DiskYellowRed.info
2020 1351 33.1% 02-Oct-99 19:46:14 +HappyPartition.info
1542 1076 30.2% 02-Oct-99 19:46:50 +HappyPartition2.info
1288 902 29.9% 02-Oct-99 19:47:08 +HappyPartition3.info
1418 822 42.0% 02-Oct-99 19:47:36 +InfinitivII.info
2091 1418 32.1% 02-Oct-99 19:50:02 +InternetPartition.info
1508 1129 25.1% 02-Oct-99 19:50:26 +InternetPartition2.info
1484 1026 30.8% 02-Oct-99 19:50:44 +InternetPartition3.info
1616 918 43.1% 02-Oct-99 19:51:14 +Linux.info
1966 1399 28.8% 02-Oct-99 19:51:32 +LinuxPartition.info
1452 1045 28.0% 02-Oct-99 19:52:04 +LinuxPartition2.info
1396 918 34.2% 02-Oct-99 19:52:18 +LinuxPartition3.info
1646 911 44.6% 02-Oct-99 19:52:48 +MacBlack.info
2038 1363 33.1% 02-Oct-99 19:54:44 +MacPartition.info
1541 1070 30.5% 02-Oct-99 19:55:18 +MacPartition2.info
1520 949 37.5% 02-Oct-99 19:55:34 +MacPartition3.info
1934 987 48.9% 02-Oct-99 19:56:00 +MacRed.info
2012 1419 29.4% 02-Oct-99 19:57:20 +MS-DosPartition.info
1535 1145 25.4% 02-Oct-99 19:57:48 +MS-DosPartition2.info
1485 1032 30.5% 02-Oct-99 19:58:06 +MS-DosPartition3.info
1930 1071 44.5% 02-Oct-99 19:58:42 +MSDOSBlack.info
1933 1092 43.5% 02-Oct-99 19:59:00 +MSDOSBlue.info
1966 980 50.1% 02-Oct-99 19:59:28 +OldBlack.info
1980 985 50.2% 02-Oct-99 19:59:46 +OldBlue.info
1971 980 50.2% 02-Oct-99 20:00:54 +OldGreen.info
1966 1344 31.6% 02-Oct-99 20:01:14 +Partition.info
1189 856 28.0% 02-Oct-99 20:01:46 +Partition2.info
1020 713 30.0% 02-Oct-99 20:02:08 +Partition3.info
1620 973 39.9% 02-Oct-99 20:02:24 +RadDisk.info
1582 1005 36.4% 02-Oct-99 20:02:52 +RamDisk.info
1618 1034 36.0% 02-Oct-99 20:03:16 +RamDisk2.info
1791 1077 39.8% 02-Oct-99 20:03:30 +RamDisk3.info
1825 1071 41.3% 02-Oct-99 20:03:50 +RamDisk4.info
2131 1122 47.3% 02-Oct-99 20:04:20 +Windows.info
2045 1415 30.8% 02-Oct-99 20:04:40 +WindowsPartition.info
1582 1075 32.0% 02-Oct-99 20:05:04 +WindowsPartition2.info
1530 1051 31.3% 02-Oct-99 20:05:28 +WindowsPartition3.info
1977 1081 45.3% 02-Oct-99 20:05:42 +WindowsYellow.info
1495 930 37.7% 08-Sep-99 20:30:24 +Drawers.info
1437 984 31.5% 17-Sep-99 00:00:52 +aMozilla.info
1795 1141 36.4% 17-Sep-99 00:01:02 +Apple1.info
1793 1108 38.2% 17-Sep-99 00:01:18 +Apple2.info
1586 1013 36.1% 01-Oct-99 22:51:30 +ARC.info
1478 986 33.2% 17-Sep-99 00:01:44 +ARC2.info
1377 886 35.6% 17-Sep-99 00:01:56 +AzureDown.info
1401 919 34.4% 17-Sep-99 00:02:46 +AzureGoldDown.info
1373 887 35.3% 17-Sep-99 00:03:12 +AzureGoldUp.info
1352 878 35.0% 17-Sep-99 00:03:32 +AzureUp.info
1367 869 36.4% 17-Sep-99 00:03:46 +BlackDown.info
1365 869 36.3% 17-Sep-99 00:04:02 +BlackGoldDown.info
1338 882 34.0% 17-Sep-99 00:04:20 +BlackGoldUp.info
1338 861 35.6% 17-Sep-99 00:04:46 +BlackUp.info
1378 905 34.3% 17-Sep-99 00:05:02 +BlueDown.info
1376 877 36.2% 17-Sep-99 00:05:18 +BlueGoldDown.info
1351 870 35.6% 17-Sep-99 16:51:34 +BlueGoldUp.info
1345 916 31.8% 17-Sep-99 16:51:14 +BlueUp.info
1698 1097 35.3% 17-Sep-99 16:50:34 +C64.info
1442 967 32.9% 17-Sep-99 16:50:56 +CD-ROM.info
1513 1045 30.9% 01-Oct-99 22:51:30 +Construction.info
1436 964 32.8% 17-Sep-99 16:52:16 +e-mail.info
1446 980 32.2% 17-Sep-99 16:52:32 +Expansion2.info
1482 997 32.7% 17-Sep-99 16:52:48 +Fonts.info
1813 1195 34.0% 17-Sep-99 16:53:04 +Graphic.info
1546 1044 32.4% 17-Sep-99 17:00:00 +Graphic2.info
1363 838 38.5% 17-Sep-99 17:01:42 +GrayDown.info
1361 867 36.2% 17-Sep-99 17:02:02 +GrayGoldDown.info
1334 855 35.9% 17-Sep-99 17:02:24 +GrayGoldUp.info
1334 845 36.6% 17-Sep-99 17:02:48 +GrayUp.info
1618 950 41.2% 17-Sep-99 17:03:00 +GreenDown.info
1638 964 41.1% 17-Sep-99 17:03:18 +GreenGoldDown.info
1601 931 41.8% 17-Sep-99 17:03:40 +GreenGoldUp.info
1581 928 41.3% 17-Sep-99 17:04:04 +GreenUp.info
1482 964 34.9% 17-Sep-99 17:04:18 +Happy.info
1435 962 32.9% 17-Sep-99 17:04:42 +Idea.info
1713 1094 36.1% 17-Sep-99 17:04:52 +Linux.info
1847 1173 36.4% 17-Sep-99 17:05:12 +Locale2.info
1849 1124 39.2% 17-Sep-99 17:05:32 +Locale3.info
1773 1043 41.1% 17-Sep-99 17:05:46 +MacOS.info
1764 1142 35.2% 17-Sep-99 17:06:12 +MiamiDrawer.info
1472 927 37.0% 17-Sep-99 17:06:28 +Microdot.info
1729 1153 33.3% 17-Sep-99 17:06:44 +MSDOS.info
1483 1008 32.0% 17-Sep-99 17:07:02 +MSX.info
1530 986 35.5% 17-Sep-99 17:07:36 +Music.info
1579 1012 35.9% 17-Sep-99 17:07:52 +Music2.info
1684 1050 37.6% 17-Sep-99 17:08:06 +Music3.info
1383 886 35.9% 17-Sep-99 17:08:26 +OrangeDown.info
1350 884 34.5% 17-Sep-99 17:08:50 +OrangeUp.info
1709 1035 39.4% 17-Sep-99 17:09:08 +Patch.info
1779 1097 38.3% 17-Sep-99 17:09:20 +Pencil.info
1477 977 33.8% 17-Sep-99 17:09:42 +Photo.info
1787 1119 37.3% 17-Sep-99 17:09:58 +Photo2.info
1379 873 36.6% 17-Sep-99 17:10:24 +PurpleDown.info
1398 884 36.7% 17-Sep-99 17:11:06 +PurpleGoldDown.info
1365 889 34.8% 17-Sep-99 17:11:40 +PurpleGoldUp.info
1354 879 35.0% 17-Sep-99 17:12:08 +PurpleUp.info
1401 922 34.1% 17-Sep-99 17:12:46 +RedDown.info
1401 917 34.5% 17-Sep-99 17:13:12 +RedGoldDown.info
1373 889 35.2% 17-Sep-99 17:15:14 +RedGoldUp.info
1373 894 34.8% 17-Sep-99 17:15:42 +RedUp.info
1762 1122 36.3% 17-Sep-99 17:16:04 +STRICQ.info
1733 1120 35.3% 17-Sep-99 17:16:18 +STRICQ2.info
1381 897 35.0% 17-Sep-99 17:16:36 +TanDown.info
1353 887 34.4% 17-Sep-99 17:17:02 +TanUp.info
1703 1080 36.5% 17-Sep-99 17:17:14 +Tools2.info
1750 1159 33.7% 17-Sep-99 17:17:32 +Tools3.info
1502 998 33.5% 17-Sep-99 17:17:48 +Utilities2.info
1756 1169 33.4% 17-Sep-99 17:18:06 +Utilities3.info
1771 1085 38.7% 17-Sep-99 17:18:20 +Voyager.info
1363 885 35.0% 17-Sep-99 17:18:42 +WhiteGoldDown.info
1336 874 34.5% 17-Sep-99 17:19:04 +WhiteGoldUp.info
1789 1102 38.4% 17-Sep-99 17:19:16 +Windows.info
1497 995 33.5% 17-Sep-99 17:19:36 +Write.info
1606 1002 37.6% 01-Oct-99 22:51:30 +YAM.info
1358 852 37.2% 17-Sep-99 17:21:06 +YellowDown.info
1331 844 36.5% 17-Sep-99 17:21:28 +YellowUp.info
837 421 49.7% 31-Aug-99 00:39:28 +MiscIcons.readme
1632 996 38.9% 08-Sep-99 20:29:38 +MiscIcons.readme.info
1550 991 36.0% 08-Sep-99 20:30:42 +MoreExtras.info
1786 1102 38.2% 17-Sep-99 18:13:40 +AHI.info
1783 1075 39.7% 17-Sep-99 18:13:52 +AHI2.info
1806 1107 38.7% 17-Sep-99 18:14:04 +AHI3.info
2322 1525 34.3% 17-Sep-99 19:27:02 +AmigaNCP.info
2257 1392 38.3% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +aMozilla.info
2268 1291 43.0% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +aMozilla2.info
1923 1268 34.0% 03-Oct-99 18:14:36 +Check-YAM.info
1675 1117 33.3% 17-Sep-99 18:14:42 +DataType2.info
1548 1071 30.8% 17-Sep-99 18:14:52 +DataType3.info
1416 1017 28.1% 03-Oct-99 11:57:34 +Daytona.info
2023 1222 39.5% 03-Oct-99 11:58:32 +Daytona2.info
2032 970 52.2% 02-Oct-99 20:20:34 +Debug.info
1785 1069 40.1% 03-Oct-99 11:59:30 +Def_AmigaGuide2.info
1458 843 42.1% 03-Oct-99 11:59:52 +def_ascii2.info
1695 1023 39.6% 03-Oct-99 18:12:16 +def_doc2.info
1689 1019 39.6% 03-Oct-99 20:13:16 +def_FTXT2.info
1758 1082 38.4% 03-Oct-99 20:13:30 +def_html-2.info
2119 1062 49.8% 03-Oct-99 11:55:14 +Def_HTML1.info
2134 1086 49.1% 03-Oct-99 11:55:32 +Def_HTML2.info
2071 1113 46.2% 03-Oct-99 11:56:00 +Def_HTML3.info
2072 984 52.5% 03-Oct-99 11:56:20 +Def_HTML4.info
2120 1064 49.8% 03-Oct-99 11:56:40 +Def_HTML5.info
2092 1238 40.8% 03-Oct-99 19:56:42 +def_IFFsample.info
2108 1276 39.4% 03-Oct-99 19:54:26 +def_MID.info
2102 1253 40.3% 02-Oct-99 20:29:28 +def_MP3.info
2212 1566 29.2% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +def_palette.info
2303 1334 42.0% 03-Oct-99 19:46:00 +def_PCD.info
2126 923 56.5% 03-Oct-99 19:37:10 +Def_PDF.info
1437 806 43.9% 03-Oct-99 18:39:00 +Empty-YAM.info
1746 969 44.5% 03-Oct-99 11:51:24 +Fax.info
1944 958 50.7% 03-Oct-99 11:53:12 +Format2.info
864 657 23.9% 03-Oct-99 11:53:32 +GhostScript.info
1188 857 27.8% 03-Oct-99 17:59:44 +GhostScript2.info
1823 1275 30.0% 03-Oct-99 18:29:32 +HDBackUp.info
1489 1105 25.7% 03-Oct-99 18:21:18 +ICQ.info
1538 1109 27.8% 03-Oct-99 18:36:24 +Install.info
1589 1126 29.1% 03-Oct-99 18:36:38 +Install2.info
1607 1180 26.5% 03-Oct-99 18:36:58 +Install3.info
1650 1165 29.3% 03-Oct-99 19:42:38 +InternetTime.info
1725 777 54.9% 03-Oct-99 18:15:14 +Journal.info
1705 1210 29.0% 17-Sep-99 19:01:16 +Miami.info
1860 1367 26.5% 03-Oct-99 19:35:46 +MiamiOffLine.info
1789 1348 24.6% 03-Oct-99 19:36:06 +MiamiOnLine.info
2247 1207 46.2% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +More2.info
2169 1470 32.2% 03-Oct-99 19:46:28 +Netsc.info
1647 976 40.7% 03-Oct-99 19:46:42 +Netscape.info
1860 1105 40.5% 03-Oct-99 18:38:36 +New-YAM.info
2048 873 57.3% 03-Oct-99 20:01:36 +Notes.info
1621 1205 25.6% 03-Oct-99 19:21:34 +OffLine.info
1734 1010 41.7% 03-Oct-99 18:45:52 +Old-YAM.info
1527 1142 25.2% 03-Oct-99 19:21:58 +OnLine.info
2021 893 55.8% 03-Oct-99 19:49:54 +PDFfile.info
2137 1117 47.7% 03-Oct-99 18:08:58 +PlayStation-.info
2080 1129 45.7% 03-Oct-99 18:09:18 +PlayStation.info
1088 541 50.2% 03-Oct-99 18:09:48 +Post-It2.info
1139 799 29.8% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +QuickTime.info
1866 1151 38.3% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +QuickTime2.info
1183 674 43.0% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +Scanner.info
1199 680 43.2% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +ScannerBlack.info
1688 971 42.4% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +ScannerBlackPrefs.info
1685 1000 40.6% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +ScannerPrefs.info
1703 826 51.4% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +Script.info
1921 932 51.4% 02-Oct-99 20:22:22 +Spell.info
987 672 31.9% 17-Sep-99 18:47:00 +StarTac.info
1335 903 32.3% 17-Sep-99 18:46:40 +STRICQPgm.info
1245 753 39.5% 17-Sep-99 18:46:20 +Telephone.info
952 739 22.3% 17-Sep-99 18:03:10 +Trashcan2.info
957 706 26.2% 17-Sep-99 18:03:30 +Trashcan3.info
979 759 22.4% 17-Sep-99 18:03:46 +Trashcan4.info
1857 1151 38.0% 17-Sep-99 18:10:28 +VGP.info
1501 1096 26.9% 17-Sep-99 18:05:16 +VGP.info
1247 849 31.9% 17-Sep-99 18:10:08 +VGP2.info
1675 1187 29.1% 17-Sep-99 18:10:46 +VGP3.info
1305 970 25.6% 17-Sep-99 18:11:02 +VGP4.info
1569 951 39.3% 17-Sep-99 18:11:16 +VGP5.info
1730 1099 36.4% 17-Sep-99 18:11:28 +VGPDrawer2.info
1730 1101 36.3% 17-Sep-99 18:11:44 +VGPDrawer3.info
1730 1104 36.1% 17-Sep-99 18:11:56 +VGPDrawer4.info
1010 694 31.2% 17-Sep-99 18:04:08 +VoyagerPrg.info
1431 931 34.9% 02-Oct-99 20:20:32 +XArc.info
2117 1323 37.5% 08-Sep-99 19:35:40 +Prefs.info
2040 1234 39.5% 08-Sep-99 20:38:50 +ClassAct.info
2117 1290 39.0% 08-Sep-99 20:39:00 +Datatypes.info
1674 1137 32.0% 08-Sep-99 20:39:14 +Datatype.info
1352 924 31.6% 08-Sep-99 20:39:32 +Font.info
2379 1167 50.9% 02-Oct-99 12:54:02 +Icontrol.info
1852 1231 33.5% 17-Sep-99 18:17:58 +Input.info
2032 1394 31.3% 17-Sep-99 18:19:46 +Locale.info
1520 987 35.0% 17-Sep-99 18:20:06 +MUI.info
2427 1200 50.5% 01-Oct-99 23:02:18 +Overscan.info
2343 1706 27.1% 17-Sep-99 18:20:38 +Palette.info
1237 800 35.3% 17-Sep-99 18:23:16 +Pointer.info
2044 1073 47.5% 17-Sep-99 18:23:42 +Printer.info
2095 1169 44.2% 17-Sep-99 18:24:00 +PrinterGfx.info
989 648 34.4% 17-Sep-99 18:24:14 +PrinterPS.info
2436 1224 49.7% 01-Oct-99 23:02:42 +Screenmode.info
989 649 34.3% 17-Sep-99 18:24:32 +Serial.info
2000 1224 38.8% 17-Sep-99 18:24:46 +Sound.info
2189 1363 37.7% 17-Sep-99 18:24:58 +Time.info
2020 1457 27.8% 17-Sep-99 18:25:14 +WBPattern.info
1590 1032 35.0% 08-Sep-99 19:35:56 +Storage.info
2126 1319 37.9% 08-Sep-99 20:31:28 +Datatypes.info
2019 1290 36.1% 08-Sep-99 20:31:40 +DOSDrivers.info
2088 1289 38.2% 08-Sep-99 20:31:58 +Keymaps.info
2019 1293 35.9% 08-Sep-99 20:31:44 +Kickstarts.info
2205 1309 40.6% 08-Sep-99 20:32:16 +Monitors.info
2118 1284 39.3% 08-Sep-99 20:32:24 +Printers.info
1846 1122 39.2% 08-Sep-99 19:36:14 +System.info
599 405 32.3% 17-Sep-99 18:28:04 +FixFonts.info
1688 776 54.0% 17-Sep-99 18:28:18 +Format.info
1876 1153 38.5% 17-Sep-99 18:28:32 +Intellifont.info
1942 1185 38.9% 17-Sep-99 18:29:24 +MUI.info
1942 1182 39.1% 17-Sep-99 18:30:00 +Icons.info
1333 886 33.5% 17-Sep-99 18:30:38 +def_MUI.info
1520 986 35.1% 17-Sep-99 18:30:20 +MUI.info
599 400 33.2% 17-Sep-99 18:28:44 +NoFastMem.info
599 400 33.2% 17-Sep-99 18:28:52 +RexxMast.info
1487 542 63.5% 17-Sep-99 18:29:10 +Shell.info
1803 1182 34.4% 08-Sep-99 19:36:32 +Tools.info
1779 775 56.4% 17-Sep-99 18:31:00 +Calculator.info
599 405 32.3% 17-Sep-99 18:31:10 +CMD.info
2151 1556 27.6% 17-Sep-99 18:31:28 +Colors.info
2013 1312 34.8% 17-Sep-99 18:31:50 +Commodities.info
1981 1005 49.2% 01-Oct-99 22:50:12 +AutoPoint.info
2418 1187 50.9% 01-Oct-99 23:03:08 +Blanker.info
885 577 34.8% 01-Oct-99 22:50:12 +Exchange.info
885 577 34.8% 01-Oct-99 22:50:12 +FKey.info
885 577 34.8% 01-Oct-99 22:50:12 +MouseBlanker.info
885 576 34.9% 01-Oct-99 22:50:12 +NoCapsLock.info
599 406 32.2% 17-Sep-99 18:32:00 +GraphicDump.info
599 411 31.3% 17-Sep-99 18:32:06 +HDToolbox.info
1250 771 38.3% 17-Sep-99 18:32:28 +IconEdit.info
2058 1014 50.7% 17-Sep-99 18:32:44 +InitPrinter.info
599 406 32.2% 17-Sep-99 18:32:54 +Keyshow.info
599 407 32.0% 17-Sep-99 18:32:58 +Lacer.info
1401 667 52.3% 17-Sep-99 18:33:16 +PrepCard.info
1500 752 49.8% 17-Sep-99 18:33:38 +PrintFiles.info
599 405 32.3% 17-Sep-99 18:33:56 +Say.info
599 407 32.0% 17-Sep-99 18:34:02 +ShowConfig.info
938 676 27.9% 08-Sep-99 19:36:52 +Trash.info
1569 1045 33.3% 08-Sep-99 19:37:04 +Utilities.info
1776 1046 41.1% 17-Sep-99 18:43:44 +AmigaGuide.info
1718 1170 31.8% 17-Sep-99 18:44:02 +Clock.info
1618 993 38.6% 17-Sep-99 18:44:16 +More.info
599 402 32.8% 17-Sep-99 18:43:24 +Multiview.info
1844 1166 36.7% 08-Sep-99 19:37:32 +WBStartup.info
1495 931 37.7% 01-Oct-99 22:48:02 +Install.info
1427 897 37.1% 06-Sep-99 15:21:52 +Disks.info
1189 852 28.3% 06-Sep-99 15:24:48 +d1.info
1966 1332 32.2% 08-Sep-99 20:24:24 +d2.info
2047 1070 47.7% 06-Sep-99 15:25:14 +d3.info
984 489 50.3% 06-Sep-99 15:25:30 +d4.info
906 468 48.3% 06-Sep-99 15:28:46 +d5.info
1089 699 35.8% 06-Sep-99 15:25:58 +d6.info
2109 1126 46.6% 06-Sep-99 15:26:12 +d7.info
1491 837 43.8% 06-Sep-99 15:26:24 +d8.info
1427 896 37.2% 06-Sep-99 15:21:56 +Drawers.info
1328 621 53.2% 04-Feb-99 23:43:16 +d1
1516 954 37.0% 01-Oct-99 22:48:26 +d1.info
1328 621 53.2% 04-Feb-99 23:43:24 +d2
1516 952 37.2% 01-Oct-99 22:48:28 +d2.info
1328 621 53.2% 04-Feb-99 23:43:30 +d3
1515 952 37.1% 01-Oct-99 22:48:28 +d3.info
1328 621 53.2% 04-Feb-99 23:43:36 +d4
1517 983 35.2% 01-Oct-99 22:48:28 +d4.info
1328 621 53.2% 04-Feb-99 23:43:40 +d5
1536 990 35.5% 01-Oct-99 22:48:28 +d5.info
1328 621 53.2% 04-Feb-99 23:43:48 +d6
1517 981 35.3% 01-Oct-99 22:48:28 +d6.info
4541 2050 54.8% 03-Oct-99 20:27:34 +ReadMe
1700 1028 39.5% 08-Sep-99 18:38:38 +ReadMe.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
926157 596138 35.6% 16-Oct-99 22:09:40 496 files